Did the aws-csharp code generation change? The doc...
# general
Did the aws-csharp code generation change? The documentation doesn't say anything about this, but I'm getting a totally different project now. I'm no longer getting any MyStack.cs file, and the Program.cs file is:
Copy code
using Pulumi;
using Pulumi.Aws.S3;
using System.Collections.Generic;

await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
   // Create an AWS resource (S3 Bucket)
   var bucket = new Bucket("my-bucket");
   // Export the name of the bucket
   return new Dictionary<string, object?>
      ["bucketName"] = bucket.Id
Where before it was:
Copy code
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Pulumi;

class Program
    static Task<int> Main() => Deployment.RunAsync<MyStack>();
Looks like it. First thing I do is to change the Program.cs to
await Deployment.RunAsync<MyStack>();
Was hoping they would update the template to that.
Hmm, it's also giving me a secret token error saying it couldn't validate it, but it works on all my other projects...