Hi Team, I created a Azure Service Bus and then an...
# dotnet
Hi Team, I created a Azure Service Bus and then an Action Group with email alerts to notify the dead lettered messages. The CI/CD is done through Azure DevOps pipelines. The email for the action group is configured as a settings property. I could successfully provision the service bus, action group with required alerts during the deployment. But when i edited the release to give a different email address and re-deployed the release the action group got deleted instead of updating the email address. Any thoughts on this issue, for me it looks more like a Pulumi issue than coding issue. Please advise me
Did the preview diff say it was going to delete the action group?
azure-nativeinsightsActionGroup sb-bb-fulfillment-us-devt delete
I suspect your program is wrong somehow and the ActionGroup isn't being sent to the engine anymore.
I can't think how the engine could translate a change of property to a plain delete. A delete-replace maybe, but it wouldn't just delete it.
i modified the settings variable of the same release which provisioned the action group
in Az DevOps CD pipeline
I'd raise an issue at https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-azure-native if you think a plain property change triggered a delete. Try and give as much information as you can in the issue, including the code constructing the ActionGroup and if you can the logs from running pulumi preview.
I was doing the mistake of checking if the resource was present before creating it. When i corrected that it started working. Appreciate your time @echoing-dinner-19531
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