Hello together, i have a question regarding digit...
# automation-api
Hello together, i have a question regarding digital ocean app alerts. I have configured my alert now but i cannot find the place where i can configure the delivery method. So where to deliver if the alert occurs. In the web view it is possible to say where the alert should be delivered. Thanks 🙂
@cool-computer-40158 can you share the code you have?
here is my alert part:
Copy code
Alerts: &digitalocean.AppSpecWorkerAlertArray{&digitalocean.AppSpecWorkerAlertArgs{Rule: pulumi.String("CPU_UTILIZATION"), Operator: pulumi.String("GREATER_THAN"), Value: pulumi.Float64(85), Window: pulumi.String("FIVE_MINUTES")},
   &digitalocean.AppSpecWorkerAlertArgs{Rule: pulumi.String("MEM_UTILIZATION"), Operator: pulumi.String("GREATER_THAN"), Value: pulumi.Float64(85), Window: pulumi.String("FIVE_MINUTES")},
   &digitalocean.AppSpecWorkerAlertArgs{Rule: pulumi.String("RESTART_COUNT"), Operator: pulumi.String("GREATER_THAN"), Value: pulumi.Float64(5), Window: pulumi.String("FIVE_MINUTES")}},
currently when iam deploying there is email configured in the app web view
i cannot find any struct or something else where i can set the delivery object