Hi all, I’m running into an issue on aws with SSO ...
# aws
Hi all, I’m running into an issue on aws with SSO enabled where pulumi cannot find the logs for the current stack, but the log group exist. Is this a known issue and is there a solution ?
Can you elaborate a bit more here? How would we repro this?
Let me try and make a small stack that (hopefully) reproduces it
Here is a sample that show the issue (at least for me)
I included a debug print of the pulumi logs command:
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I0616 11:52:05.979792   51862 operations_aws.go:194] [getLogs] Error getting logs: /aws/lambda/test_lambda-dev-lambda ResourceNotFoundException: The specified log group does not exist.
But using awslogs it return correctly:
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awslogs get /aws/lambda/test_lambda-dev-lambda --profile pace:thomas
/aws/lambda/test_lambda-dev-lambda 2022/06/16/[$LATEST]8c9656284fa34e669eaf3d41a3c131b2 START RequestId: 49515921-849a-4de7-accd-323aa0c06e1a Version: $LATEST
/aws/lambda/test_lambda-dev-lambda 2022/06/16/[$LATEST]8c9656284fa34e669eaf3d41a3c131b2 END RequestId: 49515921-849a-4de7-accd-323aa0c06e1a
what is
It’s a utility to access aws logs without the complexity of the AWS cli
can you run
aws logs describe-log-groups
? I think this is because the log group is autonamed and you're not specifying the suffix
Hm weird
Copy code
            "logGroupName": "/aws/lambda/test_lambda-dev-lambda",
            "creationTime": 1655394675393,
            "metricFilterCount": 0,
            "arn": "arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:<account>:log-group:/aws/lambda/test_lambda-dev-lambda:*",
            "storedBytes": 0
            "logGroupName": "/aws/lambda/test_lambda-dev-lambda-0c9c4ad",
            "creationTime": 1655394658950,
            "retentionInDays": 7,
            "metricFilterCount": 0,
            "arn": "arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:<account>:log-group:/aws/lambda/test_lambda-dev-lambda-0c9c4ad:*",
            "storedBytes": 0
2 things: • A second, postfixed version exist • storedBytes is 0, even if there are actual logs (not many though, but > 1 byte)
any idea, @billowy-army-68599?
not totally sure I'm afraid, I'd start by making sure your app is shipping logs correctly
Yes they do, I can tail the logs shown as missing by pulumi using aws logs. Not a bit issue though, I was just curious