I’m using Pulumi Automation API (written in Golang...
# general
I’m using Pulumi Automation API (written in Golang) to provision my EKS and its Managed Nodegroups, but the EC2s that it creates are not named. Is there a way to do this from within the eks.NewNodeGroup() function, or do I have to use the autoscaling package, or perhaps aws-sdk-go, to set the tag/name, in a separate step?
I think your supposed to set a "name" tag to do this.
I’ve already set a “Name” tag, but it only gets applied on the managed nodegroup resource, but not on the underlying ASG.
Ah yeh that seems to be a limitation of eks. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/eks-using-tags.html Looks like you could use the LaunchTemplate option and point it a a launch template that sets TagSepcifications
I will explore that then, @echoing-dinner-19531. Thanks!