Hi! I have a problem with pulumi hanging when "com...
# general
Hi! I have a problem with pulumi hanging when "completing deletion from previous update". It seem to timeout after 15 minutes, saying "Error deleting security group: DependencyViolation: resource sg-01da0d120430f7580 has a dependent object" pulumi cancel fails with "Conflict: The Update has already completed" Doing export | import does not help, e.g what https://www.pulumi.com/docs/troubleshooting/#interrupted-update-recovery suggests. Any suggestions?
pulumi refresh
No, unfortunately not. No changes 😕
Actually looking at that error I wonder if resource has hooked onto that security group which isn't being managed by Pulumi (or for which Pulumi has not dependency tracked correctly). Might have to go check in your cloud console to track that down, if it out to be a resource that pulumi knew about ping back here we should work out why it didn't get dep tracked.
The root cause is probably mixing 2.x with 3.x pulumi cli. A 2.x cli failed, which ended up in this state. I solved it now, by removing the resources manually. Feels a bit dirty though.
Thanks for answer @echoing-dinner-19531!