Does anyone have a recommendation on how to use an...
# aws
Does anyone have a recommendation on how to use an ACM certificate in the same
pulumi up
as it was created? Is there an option when creating / updating a load balancer to say "don't fail yet, just wait for the certificate to be validated`? I know it can be done by using separate projects, but if AWS did the waiting for me, I'd be happier :)
Yes, that's what I'm using, but it takes anywhere from 20 seconds to (in theory) 72 hours. It's never taken more than 30 seconds for me, but that's still enough time to fail the
and have to run it a 2nd time.
Where is the 30 second time out coming from? I can’t imagine that’s a default.
There's no timeout. When the certificate is created by AWS, it's not ready for use by an LB, but it is a fully-created resource. Pulumi thinks it's good to go. If you use it immediately in an existing LB, AWS will complain, because the AWS async operation to check the cert's validity hasn't completed.
Often you won't notice because you're doing this and creating the LB in the same
, and creating the LB takes a lot longer. But if the LB exists and you're just changing the cert, then this step will fail.
Run it again a few seconds later, after the validation completes, it'll work fine.
I was wondering if there was a way to get Pulumi to tell AWS to have the LB try a few times, instead of immediately saying "this certificate isn't ready, error!".
But I don't think there is... so I just re-ran it.
@little-cartoon-10569 are you using pulumi.DependsOn() ? in my case I'm using a cert w/ API gateway in the same pulumi up. i had to add: pulumi.DependsOn([]pulumi.Resource{certValid}) (golang) as an optional argument to gateway2.NewDomainName() where certValid is a CertificateValidation resource.
Ah, the load balancer might need to be dependent on both the certificate and the CertificateValidation? No I hadn't tried that. I'll make a note to try it later. Thanks!
When you reference a resource output (e.g., cert ARN) as an input to another resource (e.g., ALB listener’s certificate), Pulumi implicitly establishes a dependency and waits for the cert to be provisioned before it attempts to create the ALB listener. Since there are no cert validation resource outputs being references by the ALB listener inputs, the dependency has to be established explicitly via ResourceOptions.