Im not sure if this belongs in <#C019YSXN04B|autom...
# typescript
Im not sure if this belongs in #automation-api or here. So im just attempting. I’ve found a way to inject a github npm (Pulumi project) at runtime. In this way my custom made CLI (using automation api) can import remote Pulumi project from Github. Im doing this by passing the injected workdir to the createorselectstack function from localworkspace/workspace. Now im wondering with the current approach i dont have control over the pulumi project. Is there a way that i inject a component resource from github(npm package) instead of the pulumi project? (During runtime) So that in my CLI i can create a pulumi project by passing a projectname and such to the automation api and afterwards inject a remote module from git? Im using this library for injecting remote git modules btw
Thats a cool project (live-plugin-manager). Interested to see if you can pull this off. Is it not as simple as this?:
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import {PluginManager} from "live-plugin-manager";

const manager = new PluginManager();

async function run(packageName = "my-pulumi-project", componentName = 'MyPulumiResource', id = slugify(`${packageName}-${componentName}-main`), args = {}, options = {}) {
  await manager.install(packageName);
  const { [componentName]: TargetComponentResource } = manager.require(packageName);

  const resource = new TargetComponentResource(id, args, options);

  return { resource };

Hmmm lemme check
Yeah right now i have similiar code to load in a componentresource. Right now the problem im facing is that.
The component resource that is on remote (github) exists in a Pulumi project directory folder
Oh. So when you load the module, you get a bunch of other Pulumi resources created that you don’t want?
That basically means whenever i inject/download the remote component resource it gets injected locally and attached to the remote project
I basically want the possibility to create a Pulumi project myself because right now i have like 10-15 stacks of the remote github project
Can you require it from a subpath?
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pathToComponentFile = '/src/my-component';
const { [componentName]: TargetComponentResource } = manager.require(packageName + pathToComponentFile);
Oooh wait thats a good one actually
Charley do you perhaps also know if you can create a pulumi project through the automation API?
i only saw the possibility to create stacks
Or can you change the source project to have two entrypoints: 1 for the pulumi project and 1 for the library?
You can create pulumi projects via the automation API
“Projects” might be referred to as “workspaces”
Hmm brb 1m imma grab my laptop haha
^ I think that is all that is needed to both create the stack and the project.
I could be wrong.
yeah but
wait you are maybe right hahaha
i made the assumption that the third parameter requires a inprocess Pulumi program, but since im injecting the component resource through live-plugin-manager it might work aswell
imma try it out rn
Yeah, honestly, I can’t see why it wouldn’t work unless there is something about the way Pulumi executes programs that involves weird serialization, but I don’t think so. The weird serialization I’ve seen with Pulumi is when I’ve accidentally used objects that have circular references to create args within the program (now I just pre-serialize the objects into DTOs and all is well)
i have a question btw
this is the third parameter in the git example u posted
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import {PluginManager} from "live-plugin-manager";

const manager = new PluginManager();

async function run(packageName = "my-pulumi-project", componentName = 'MyPulumiResource', id = slugify(`${packageName}-${componentName}-main`), args = {}, options = {}) {
  await manager.install(packageName);
  const { [componentName]: TargetComponentResource } = manager.require(packageName);

  const resource = new TargetComponentResource(id, args, options);

  return { resource };

should the return resource of the run function be the value of the program parameter?
program: () => run()
, is how i’d do it
I think
kay lemme try
TS might want you to make it
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program: async () => run(),
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program: async () => await run(),
^ Both would be valid I think
ah it seems not working yet, tomorrow i will try on and will keep you updated
Error side seems to be from the plugin manager rn
error: Unhandled exception: Error: Cannot find module
one question
why did you wrap brackets around the return value
return { resource };
I just wrote it like that because whatever you return are your stack outputs, and it is just easier for me personally to know what the keys are instead of making them dynamic. So by writing
return { resource }
I can always expect to look at the stack’s
key to get the outputs for the component. Had I written
return resource
, the stack’s outputs would become dynamic and dependent on whatever outputs
happens to have. All this said, there might be some property on ComponentResource that contains the actual outputs instead of the full resource object, like maybe:
so in either case I’d write:
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return resource.outputs
return { resource: resource.outputs }
But I don’t know if there a convention for outputs for ComponentResource or exactly how Pulumi handles stack outputs, as I rarely use/consume stack outputs.
Ok im sorry, im having trouble following your advice so i made a very very basic example of it. I’ve been troubleshooting it for 2x3 hours and i still get errors. Do anybody mind helping me out? My client where i try to live inject a remote npm repo: the npm/ git repo im pulling: The error im getting: TypeError: process.on is not a function at /Users/david/WebstormProjects/pulumi-live-injection/plugin_packages/@pulumi/s3/s3Mixins.ts1905 at /Users/david/WebstormProjects/pulumi-live-injection/plugin_packages/@pulumi/aws/s3/s3Mixins.js1215 at Script.runInContext (nodevm139:12) To reproduce download the client and run the following command in root directory
npm install
npm start
is not a package I am familiar with. I’m sorry, the process.on thing is not something I’ve ever seen. Anyone else?