Can we not use the new organization tokens with th...
# automation-api
Can we not use the new organization tokens with the Automation API? I've got an Automation API program that works fine with my personal token, but fails with an organization token with
stderr: error: could not create stack: [404] Not Found: Organization 'grapl' not found
This is certainly not intended behavior. Investigating this now.
I have been able to repro. Working on a fix now. Appears to be an issue with some SAML-backed organizations
@acoustic-lock-52416 Yup, that describes us. Thanks for working on this 🙏
No problem! Thanks for your patience. I’ve identified and tested a fix. Needs to be reviewed, and will be out shortly
👍 1
Fix is out to production. Should now be working!
Sounds good... giving it a try now!
It works! Thanks for the fix @acoustic-lock-52416! Much appreciated 🙇
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Of course! That's what we're here for. Thanks for your understanding and patience
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