Today at PulumiUP we are announcing a broad collec...
# announcements
Today at PulumiUP we are announcing a broad collection of exciting and significant new features in the Pulumi platform. We've written a summary of all the news at 🚀 Some of the highlights of the news: • Pulumi support for Java: New support for Java across the entire Pulumi platform, providing full access to the rich software engineering ecosystem for Java and the JVM. • Pulumi YAML: A new simple YAML interface to the Pulumi platform, broadening the reach of Pulumi to use cases where a full blown programming language is not (yet!) necessary. • Crosswalk for AWS in all Pulumi Languages: Support for the popular Crosswalk for AWS packages (for ECS, VPC, API Gateway and EKS) in all Pulumi languages. • AWS CDK on Pulumi: Support for deploying AWS CDK constructs from within Pulumi infrastructure as code programs, enabling access to the broad array of higher-level components for AWS built by teams at AWS and the AWS CDK community. • New Cloud and SaaS Providers: More than a dozen new packages in the Pulumi Registry for popular cloud/SaaS platforms from Pulumi partners, including Oracle Cloud, Elastic Cloud and Databricks. • Pulumi Service Provider for Pulumi: A new provider for managing the Pulumi Service using Pulumi Infrastructure as Code. • Pulumi CrossCode: Key improvements in the core technology powering Pulumi’s universal infrastructure as code features, including
pulumi import
pulumi convert
and more. Come join us at PulumiUP to learn more about all of these new features and more! pulumipus dancing music And thank you to everyone in the community here who has provided input and support on all the these new features! 🙌
partypus 9
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🚀 12
meow party 22
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Pulumi support for Java: New support for Java across the entire Pulumi platform, providing full access to the rich software engineering ecosystem for Java and the JVM.
More at
Pulumi YAML: A new simple YAML interface to the Pulumi platform, broadening the reach of Pulumi to use cases where a full blown programming language is not (yet!) necessary.
More at
Crosswalk for AWS in all Pulumi Languages: Support for the popular Crosswalk for AWS packages (for ECS, VPC, API Gateway and EKS) in all Pulumi languages.
More at
AWS CDK on Pulumi: Support for deploying AWS CDK constructs from within Pulumi infrastructure as code programs, enabling access to the broad array of higher-level components for AWS built by teams at AWS and the AWS CDK community.
More at
Pulumi Service Provider for Pulumi: A new provider for managing the Pulumi Service using Pulumi Infrastructure as Code.
More at
Wow! Too many goodies to explore! 😍 But that Java support, though ❤️
Yeah, I'm gonna need a pulumi-cdk channel
I wish I could join PulumiUP but got pulled into a bunch of meetings. I will say that I love the Pulumi YAML, I think that's an interesting offering. A more robust Crosswalk offering is nice as well.
🙌 2
Awesome!. The best from Pulumi in this announcement!. Thanks.
Love the Pulumi YAML 😍
🙌 1
we’ll be talking about all of this on a Twitter Space in about an hour!
some new channels for yall #java, #yaml, #pulumi-cdk
👍 1
Thanks @brainy-church-78120
youre welcome 1
How do I find the AWSX docs for Go?
Crosswalk user guides are not showing Go examples and I don't see any library docs?
I think my previous question got lost in the Slack ether. Where should I look for docs on the newly released Crosswalk for Go? All I've found is a User Guide mentioning the other languages but the examples and docs don't seem to.
Databricks provider doesn’t work as expected out of the box