Hi. I just want to follow up if it is now possibl...
# general
Hi. I just want to follow up if it is now possible with Pulumi Automation API to get the SKU of a service when running Preview() method? Last time I asked it appeared it was not possible.
SKU of what service?
It could be SKU of Azure Virtual Machine for example B2s. I need to know the SKU that is sent to Automation API so I can generate a price estimation for it
Right, and how are you trying to get that info out of automation api? By just looking at Input<T>s before they're set as resource inputs?
Yes that could be an option but I am not able to specify inputs
even better would be to get it from preview output
because then it has been through graph dependcy modelling
to determine if it already exists
Ah yeh ok, which automation api language are you using?
C# and typescript
I would prefer a code example for C#
then I can infer to typescript
k I'm just having a look if theres anything on automation api for this
Thank you very much!
I think if you pass the
option to preview, the StandardOutput text will have the full diff of all resources in it, although parsing that would be a pain (I've got plans to overhaul automation api to not just return big text strings but it's a while off yet 😞 ) One of our old sales guys had an example of doing price estimates via policy packs for aws: https://github.com/clstokes/pulumi-policy-aws-cost Might be that makes more sense for you rather than trying to hook Preview results directly.
the cost estimation works
I just need the diff output in json preferably
but yeah I understand it has not been implemented yet, though the automation api would be much better with json output
yeh I have no idea why automation api doesn't default to json output everywhere, it doesn't even look like it supports turning json output on for Preview at the moment
Ideally I would like all the input for a given resource such as a Virtual Machine for example attached disks, load balancers, nics, public ips and so on to accurately do cost estimation
I think I'll have to raise a PR to get json output added as an option, doesn't look like theres a way to set that right now.
that would be absolutely fantastic
I have a client that I cant deliver a solution to before this is implemented
looking forward to it getting approved
I can see the pr has been approved. have a new version of pulumi automation api been released then as well?
No it will be in the next release, I think we'll be doing 3.44.2 tomorrow.
Thanks it is a tremendous help that you have coded a solution so quickly 😀