Hi forks, is it possible to 'restart' the pulumi ...
# automation-api
Hi forks, is it possible to 'restart' the pulumi runtime after a test in the
hook during the tests?
Are you talking about unit tests in something like Mocha or Jest? If you call setMocks() during beforeEach(), or anywhere that's run before each it(), then you achieve that.
Not the mock part. I have codes for the transforms which touch the runtime, it set stuff in the runtime for next test suit. Just wonder if there is a way to ‘reset’ or clean the runtime to default.
Ah yes. I have (very, very old....) tests for transforms, I'll see if I do that...
🙏 1
My solution was to create a runtime for each it(), describe() or context() that requires it. Here's a simple example.
being the magic at work here.
Thanks very much. Let me have a try.