Re: the new Web Gui; I used to see some helpful CL...
# general
Re: the new Web Gui; I used to see some helpful CLI commands for manipulating the stack, like what to write to delete everything, create a new .yaml file etc. Any ideas as where to find this info now?
pulumi --help
will list everything but that is a bit much if your just looking for the most common operations. @brainy-caravan-45245 might know about the webui redesign and where, if anywhere, those commands are now shown.
Yeah, I know my way around the cli to do most things. These command was just very convenient with the stack names and correct flags already set. just copy/past/run 🙂
hi @wet-gigabyte-99270 we did not remove anything around this. was this on the stack settings > options page? or maybe stack > overview page? mind sending me a screenshot or two of what is missing?
Sure! this is a stack that has not been set up yet, here we can see a few handy commands. What is missing is commands for stacks that has been set up (for example, I need to create a local yaml to work with a stack set up by automation or someone else. Also missing are commands for removing the stack from pulumi completely.
okay to clarify though, you used to see those? and now they are gone? or you are wanting us to add these?
The image illustrates what is there now.
If possible I would like the commands for removing stacks and the commands above to be available for all stacks. Then again, it was a nice Quality of Life thing you provided. It is not a super big deal 🙂
sure, happy to open up an issue!
Found it in a video! The Option submenu under the Settings tab is missing for me. Screenshot from the video
My view looks like this, only Integrations are visible
The Danger zone is what I wish for. The screenshot from the video is from a presentation of the new console gui so it "should" be there somewhere, maybe?
@wet-gigabyte-99270 this is because you are not an admin of the stack, you need to be an admin of the stack to see that information.
Yes! that was it. Thank you! Then my new request is that we can be more than one admin in our organization 😉