Looks like there’s issues running `pulumi up` usin...
# typescript
Looks like there’s issues running
pulumi up
using TS from the docs as well: https://joeysharesthings.com/wHmxRM
ts source:
Copy code
import * as pulumi from '@pulumi/pulumi'
import * as aws from '@pulumi/aws'
import * as awsx from '@pulumi/awsx'

const vpc = new awsx.ec2.Vpc('umbrel-research-vpc', {})

// Allocate a security group and then a series of rules:
const sg = new aws.ec2.SecurityGroup('umbrel-research-sg', {
  vpcId: vpc.vpc.id,
  ingress: [
      description: 'allow SSH access from',
      fromPort: 22,
      toPort: 22,
      protocol: 'tcp',
      cidrBlocks: [''],
      description: 'allow HTTPS access from anywhere',
      fromPort: 443,
      toPort: 443,
      protocol: 'tcp',
      cidrBlocks: [''],
      description: 'allow HTTP access from anywhere',
      fromPort: 80,
      toPort: 80,
      protocol: 'tcp',
      cidrBlocks: [''],
  egress: [
      fromPort: 0,
      toPort: 0,
      protocol: '-1',
      cidrBlocks: [''],

// Get the most recent Amazon linux ami:
const ami = aws.ec2.getAmiOutput({
  filters: [
      name: 'name',
      values: ['amzn-ami-hvm-*'],
  owners: ['137112412989'], // This owner ID is Amazon
  mostRecent: true,

const server = new aws.ec2.Instance('umbrel-research-server', {
  instanceType: 't2.micro',
  vpcSecurityGroupIds: [sg.id], // reference the security group resource above
  ami: ami.id,

export const vpcId = vpc.vpc.id
export const privateSubnetIds = vpc.privateSubnetIds
export const publicSubnetIds = vpc.publicSubnetIds
export const serverArn = server.arn
The error message is runing Pulumi from yaml, not TS. Do you need to remove some stuff from your Pulumi.yaml file?
@little-cartoon-10569 You’re right–I completely overlooked the yaml in our project. 😳