Hi all! I've been using pulumi for the past year o...
# google-cloud
Hi all! I've been using pulumi for the past year on GCP and came across an issue trying to set up a custom domain mapping by a particular user:
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* Error waiting to create DomainMapping: resource is in failed state "Ready:False", message: Caller is not authorized to administer the domain 'api.dev-mgm...'. If you own 'api.dev-mgm...', you can obtain authorization by verifying ownership of the domain, or any of its parent domains, via the Webmaster Central portal: <https://www.google.com/webmasters/verification/verification?domain=api.dev-mgm>... We recommend verifying ownership of the largest scope you wish to use with subdomains (eg. verify '<http://example.com|example.com>' if you wish to map '<http://subdomain.example.com|subdomain.example.com>').
Is there programmatic way of solving this in pulumi without manually adding the user to google domains?