I've had to destroy a k8s cluster from under pulum...
# general
I've had to destroy a k8s cluster from under pulumi. pulumi really wants to refresh state by checking things on the pods which don't exist. Is there a way to get a toposorted list of resources which depend on another resource so I can just run down the list and delete all of the k8s dependent ones?
pulumi stack --show-urns
should help
you can also export the full state using
pulumi stack export
1. That's just a list without any specific guarantees. 2. I really am not thrilled about having to reconstruct the tree/dag and implement my own algorithms on this.
so, yeah, if I have to, I'll bust out the ole Algorithms memories and go. was hoping there'd be a canned way to handle this common case.
just to make sure I'm understanding: ā€¢ you have a program with a kubernetes cluster and resources in it ā€¢ you deleted the cluster manually? ā€¢ pulumi now doesn't know the cluster has gone and wants to refresh the resources
is that right?
so it attempts to refresh, times out, errors.
(ideally this is something I can tell pulumi: "if you error when refreshing, mark it as deleted, ok")
what is in the pulumi stack other than the kubernetes resources and the cluster?
variety of cloud resources - networks, database, etc
are you actually invoking a
pulumi refresh
I did. Multiple times. šŸ™‚
Yeah - we used to treat failure resolving the cluster as the cluster being deleted but that caused other issues so the default behavior was made more conservative here: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/pull/1522. If you open a feature-request to opt-in to the assume-deleted behavior, happy to pursue it.
šŸ™Œ 1
In essence you would want to delete resources that depend on the affected provider . In theory this would have worked with a
pulumi destroy -t <provider URN>
but we also seem to have gotten more conservative with the delete in the case of failure to resolve the cluster. So the above approach should enable both to work.
Yes, basically I want to have cascading deletes / taints on-demand.
anyway, for now I'll bust out the Algorithms course and write a toposort for the json DAG for precise manual deletion
if you search for the provider urn, just trimming out any resources with a reference to that URN from the stack state should do it.
Thanks for opening the issue, I agree with the utility there.
Tangentially: dunno how common this is, but that wouldn't really work 100% for our case. I generate an eks cluster, then deploy an ingress into the cluster. Ingress generates (under the hood) an aws elb. I then go in with the aws provider and bind a DNS to the new ELB.
consequentially, I have to essentially apply a taint to a point in the dag and cascade it down to the leaf resources for deletion
in our specific use case, I anticipate some number of providers (think 10-50) for some of our work. they'll bound together to deliver functionality.
Is the ELB being cleaned up when you nuke the cluster?
should be, heh. I think that the state today for me is so hairy that šŸ¤·
looks like the answer is no, but that's almost certainly because the actual teardown code for the ingress didn't run to do the teardown. its not managed by pulumi (although I go in to get the information from it after ingress finishes standing up)
Hi folks, I have an initial PR out for review for this - https://asciinema.org/a/0Xwo1OaCs4YWfxL07V4F3xZck