Quick question on how to create pulumi stack for u...
# general
Quick question on how to create pulumi stack for use with CLI when one is already deployed using other mechanism (Example automation API). I have a stack already deployed and can see that in the pulumi console and this was deployed using Q-cloud (automation API). i want to be able to export the properties using pulumi export for a k8 config map use case. i tried the few commands of creating the pulumi.yaml file and select stack and refresh BUT the select stack command gives an error suggesting no such stack
can you give a bit more details on the commands you used, and the error you are getting back?
example - i have a stack named aws-eks-111 alrady deployed. now using CLI (or not sure if there is any other way) i want to be able export the output. from the description on the settings tab in Pulumi console (under recovering config), i am running these commands on CLI: # Pulumi.yaml echo "name: ws-1" > Pulumi.yaml echo "runtime: nodejs" >> Pulumi.yaml # Pulumi.aws-eks-111.yaml pulumi stack select aws-eks-111 (i get this error) error: no stack named 'aws-eks-111' found pulumi config refresh
can you try adding the org name to the select statement? So pulumi stack select org-name/stack-name? Also what does pulumi stack select output? what about pulumi stack?
thanks. that pointed me to the issue. i have two different accounts but the same org name. i logged out and logged in to the right account and it works now. Next to refresh and export
Ah nice, glad you got it figured out!