I have created AWS Organizations with SSO service ...
# aws
I have created AWS Organizations with SSO service specified as principal: org = aws.organizations.Organization("org", aws_service_access_principals=[ "cloudtrail.amazonaws.com", "config.amazonaws.com", "sso.amazonaws.com" ], feature_set="ALL") Is there a way to enable AWS SSO through Pulumi? I could enable it through Console and continue using Pulumi for setting up account assignments, but would like to avoid this manual step.
@miniature-leather-36855 no, this is an aws limitation, there's no api for it. It has to be done manually. I'd contact your aws account manager and ask them to add an api for it
thanks @billowy-army-68599 for confirming. I wasn't able to find any API related to that. I will ask my contacts in aws to add PFR for it.