We are getting spammed by Pulumi sales representat...
# general
We are getting spammed by Pulumi sales representatives cold emailing people at our company based on other peoples’ participation in this Slack channel.. This is not OK, and it is not building good will at our company towards this product.
Please stop sending cold sales emails to people based off Slack message harvesting. You’ll just drive people away.
Who can I speak with to get our company’s domain removed from whatever list this came from?
Hey Matthew. Hearing you loud and clear, will definitely get this back to the team
really sorry about this. I’ll make sure it stops
Thanks @billowy-army-68599 appreciate it..
Worth noting that sending marketing content to people without their expressed consent is illegal in some countries now. This practice could expose Pulumi to some pretty hefty fines
This is not marketing content
In the context of the law (at least in canada) cold emailing is subject to it
got it. do you have a reference to that law I can use for feedback to the team?