I'm using ecr and am trying to push a docker image...
# aws
I'm using ecr and am trying to push a docker image to it. It seems using
it handles authentication whereas if I use the
package it doesn't. However it also seems with
I can't set a custom tag. So my question is if either there is a way to set a tag using
or alternatively how to easily auth against ecr using the
package instead?
Maybe the new version of awsx will address this, but it looks like there is an outstanding bug https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-awsx/issues/585 For your last question, maybe you can do something with this example https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/docker/api-docs/image/#imageregistry
Actually, you might be able to do something with
to pass
https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/ has a
flag https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-awsx/blob/master/awsx-classic/ecr/repository.ts#L51 -- takes a
https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/docker/api-docs/image/#dockerbuild (untested):
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const containerRepository = new awsx.ecr.Repository(`${appName}-image`, {
  repository: new aws.ecr.Repository(`${appName}-image`, {
    imageScanningConfiguration: {
      scanOnPush: true,
    imageTagMutability: "MUTABLE",

const applicationImage = containerRepository.buildAndPushImage({
  env: {
  extraOptions: ["--tag", "name:1.0.1"],
That sadly doesn't work, presumably because
overwrites the -t tag here: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-docker/blob/fa0159258e220cefa6a93d1e1f77676641721365/sdk/nodejs/docker.ts#L470 It uses the image name but if you pass in a
it generates the image name of the signature with no apparent way to overwrite it ( https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-awsx/blob/master/awsx-classic/ecs/image.ts#L169 ) But I think I can get the credentials the same way
does and pass it directly to
and hopefully that works. Odd though how difficult it is to tag an image...
This is what I ended up with, seems unnecessary complex so if there are better ways I'm open to suggestions:
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const credentials = aws.ecr.getCredentialsOutput({
    registryId: repo.registryId

const transformCredentials = (creds: pulumi.Output<aws.ecr.GetCredentialsResult>): pulumi.Output<docker.ImageRegistry> => {
    return creds.apply(c => {
        const decodedCredentials = Buffer.from(c.authorizationToken, "base64").toString();
        const [username, password] = decodedCredentials.split(":");
        if (!password || !username) {
            throw new Error("Invalid credentials");
        return {
            server: c.proxyEndpoint,
            username: username,
            password: password,
        } as docker.ImageRegistry

const image = new docker.Image(customImage, {
  build: {
    context: '../',
    args: buildArgs
  registry: transformCredentials(credentials),
  imageName: pulumi.interpolate`${imageName}:${env}`,
That's pretty unfortunate how the buildArgs are constructed from the DockerBuild.
Shouldn't extra options get added to the end of the args anyway? Since docker 1.1.0 you can pass many
flags. https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-docker/blob/fa0159258e220cefa6a93d1e1f77676641721365/sdk/nodejs/docker.ts#L465-L467