Hey! I've installed the github app but every time ...
# pulumi-deployments
Hey! I've installed the github app but every time I try and link it just sends me back to configure the app. Anyone else having that issue?
Hey Mark! Did you install the github app through github or via the Pulumi service UI? For us to correctly identify the connection between github app and pulumi org the app must be installed from the Pulumi UI following these instructions: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/intro/pulumi-service/deployments/#github-app-installation
Yeah, that's how I installed it. I'll try removing it and adding it again
I had no repos at the time I installed it (migrating my pulumi repos from Azure DevOps to github) - I had set it to allow all repos. After removing it and readding, it now looks like it's working
I had that problem too. It did end up working out after I removed it I think