Hi all, we are trying to create `EventSubscription...
# dotnet
Hi all, we are trying to create
with `DeliveryWithResourceIdentityArgs`for Azure provider. Usings:
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using Pulumi.AzureNative.EventGrid.V20220615;
using Pulumi.AzureNative.EventGrid.V20220615.Inputs;
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var eventSubscription = new EventSubscription($"eventsub",
                    new EventSubscriptionArgs
                        EventDeliverySchema = EventDeliverySchema.EventGridSchema,
                        DeliveryWithResourceIdentity = new DeliveryWithResourceIdentityArgs
                            Destination = new ServiceBusQueueEventSubscriptionDestinationArgs
                                EndpointType = "ServiceBusQueue",
                                ResourceId = "nameofeventsub"
                            Identity = new EventSubscriptionIdentityArgs
                                Type = EventSubscriptionIdentityType.UserAssigned,
                                UserAssignedIdentity = "???"

Our problem is to determine in what format
should be passed. We tried id of the managed identity or client id with no success. Error message:
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resource partially created but read failed autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=404 Code="ResourceNotFound" Message="Event subscription doesn't exist.": Code="Internal error" Message="The operation failed due to an internal server error. The initial state of the impacted resources (if any) are restored. Please try again in few minutes. If error still persists, report 386223c4-3350-4378-9b5f-4f3e0d1a5e98:11/15/2022 2:00:16 PM (UTC) to our forums for assistance or raise a support ticket ."
Does anyone have an idea what should be passed in
I'd give the full resourceId a shot, particularly as the error is
Additionally, for web apps, the full resourceId is also expected. Ref: https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/azure-native/api-docs/web/webapp/#managedserviceidentity