I have a resource that has a string value that I w...
# typescript
I have a resource that has a string value that I want to return. But I don’t know it immediately. How can I return it as a promise-like output that pulumi recognizes?
More importantly how do I define it so that before its assigned pulumi recognizes that it has to wait for a value.
inside an
This is what I have in my resource:
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export default class ValidCertificate extends pulumi.ComponentResource {           
    private certificateArn: pulumi.Output<string>;                                 
    constructor(name: string, args: { fqdn: string, zoneId: pulumi.Input<string> }, opts?: pulumi.ComponentResourceOptions) {
        certificateArn = certificate.arn

        //other stuff
Is that sufficient?
I have a getter that returns the certificateArn
Wouldn’t this be undefined until its assigned?
i’m sorry, not really following the question 😅
I have a resource which I’m returning an output that I’m creating. But that output is not immediately known. It comes from a promise. How do I create my own output this way?
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You might have to resolve the promise first of course so you have a string
I’m confused. How does pulumi know that it’s going to get an output?
How does it know that myCertificateResource.certificateArn has a value if initially it’s undefined and only set in the constructor after the promise has been fulfilled?
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export default class ValidCertificate extends pulumi.ComponentResource {           
    private certificateArn: pulumi.Output<string>;                                 
    constructor(name: string, args: { fqdn: string, zoneId: pulumi.Input<string> }, opts?: pulumi.ComponentResourceOptions) {
        mypromise.then(result => {
          certificateArn = pulumi.output(certificateArn)

        //other stuff
Then later:
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Should I just make it a regular promise?
If the certificate is being created by Pulumi, then it's an output already, just use it. If you're using your own code to create / retrieve it, then put that code in an async function. The value returned from the function is a Promise. Pulumi understands Promises (look at the definition of
) and will do the right thing.