I’m in a ComponentResource constructor (so no awai...
# typescript
I’m in a ComponentResource constructor (so no await/async). I’m creating a volume but I conditionally I want to provide an initial snapshot IF the snapshot exists. I’m using aws.ebs.getSnapshot. But that returns a promise. How would I supply a snapshotId to aws.ebs.Volume?
if you don’t want to use that, do it inside an
But if there’s no output will the volume understand?
Copy code
const volumeName = `${args.instanceData.name}-volume`
>>    const foundSnapshot = aws.ebs.getSnapshotOutput({
        filters: [
            name: "tag:Name",
            values: [volumeName],
        mostRecent: true,
        owners: ["self"],
      const volume = new aws.ebs.Volume(volumeName,  {
        size: args.instanceData.volumeSize,
        availabilityZone: args.instanceData.availabilityZone,
        tags: {
          Name: `${args.instanceData.name}-volume`,
          ProjectIdentifier: "Platform",                                                                                                                                   
          Environment: args.stack
        snapshotId: foundSnapshot    
        parent: this                                                                                                                                                       
I.e., will the above work if there’s no snapshot?
if the snapshot doesn’t exist in the cloud provider then it’ll fail, if you don’t know if it exists you should create it using a resource
In the beginning there may be no snapshot. The snapshot is a final snapshot from a previous destroy.
Basically, I’m trying to say, if it’s never been destroyed before create a new volume, if not create a volume from this snapshot.
Perhaps the solution is to do this outside of the component.
Get the snapshot outside of the component where you can use try / catch and await. And then supply it to the component.
But it would be nice to have it all encapsulated.
yeah outside the component is the way to do it, just have the snapshot id as an argument input