Can Azure App Service webjobs be configured/deploy...
# azure
Can Azure App Service webjobs be configured/deployed with Pulumi? If so, how?
Update on this ... WebJobs aren't really first-class ARM resources, so not something Pulumi has an equivalent resource for. I ended up going with Azure Functions hosted in an Azure Function App. There is much better support/tooling for Azure Functions these days over webjobs. So far I don't see any downsides to using Azure Functions in an Azure Function App running on the same app service plan as my primary app service web app. This seems functionally equivalent to running webjobs on my primary app service web app (or an app service web app dedicated to webjobs).
Well, isn't a WebJob basically an App Service with some special settings? The most "special" stuff being that you need to deploy your application under a special folders structure so it can be picked and configured as a webjob... And of course that it remains running with AlwaysOn = true (at least if you're running .NET worker services like I do). Other than that, it's just a regular App Service otherwise.
Yes, you're right. I ran into a couple issues trying to get webjobs to work as expected using the folder structre convention. I could have made some mistakes as well. In the end out found it easier to create an Azure Functions project instead and deploy to the same app service plan.
Yeah, it will most likely depend on what you're trying to achieve... Some things can be ported to an equivalent Azure Function, some not.