hey all quick question when im working with my te...
# general
hey all quick question when im working with my team and we each do a pulumi deployment, why does the next user who deploys have to redeploy the entire stack and not only the diff?
Hello @rough-jordan-15935, is everybody on the team using the same stack? Which state backend are you using (our cloud service vs cloud object storage)
cloud service!
and also another big question is, when i use api gateway (AWS) and deploy with a new resource. the entire api gateway goes down and says “unexpected token e error” and cannot invoke any lambda. it needs a second deployment to fix
Preferably post new questions as separate Slack messages. That makes it easier to answer in a threaded style. 🙏🏼
Regarding the state backend, you and your colleagues are using our cloud service. Are you using a organization account where the stack is shared? If you all use e.g.
as the stack name, you each have a
stack in your personal Pulumi account. If you use an organization account, the stack name contains the organization name, e.g.
yes thats correct, we have a pattern like that
when one of us deploys, the other has to do a full deployment
With a
pattern like that
, you mean that you each have a stack with the same name, but each in your own personal account?
no its in one account
and we create access tokens on that single account
and each of you have the same version of the code checked out from Git, including the stack config file?
yes that is correct we have checked in the `pulumi.dev.yml`file to git and pull it from VCS
OK, what I would like you to do: • you run
pulumi up
and post the output in a first message here, together with the output of
pulumi about
• one of your colleagues also runs
pulumi up
and I also would like to see the output, together with the output of
pulumi about
from their machine.
hm sharing the content of pulumi about would be a privacy issue
Please review the output before pasting and remove any confidential pieces. But that output usually shouldn’t contain any secrets. Can’t do much without it though.
sure i will have a look at that and share. could you also take a look at the api gateway issue ive sent
Just jumping in (now that I'm at work), you said "no its in one account" - does this mean you are using a single Pulumi Cloud account OR that you are using an organization and org stacks?
If first you should definitely go via org route when using Pulumi Cloud
we have a single pulumi cloud account
I guess Ringo can answer better but that might be one of the reasons you have problems. You see, with Pulumi Cloud there's transactional checks for concurrent updates done by different users and because of this I would assume that state syncing is different
It is a very good idea anyway to have separate accounts and org
Consider person leaving a company
Shared accounts are in general a bad idea
@gorgeous-country-43026 on our cloud backend, whether shared via a single user account, or via orgs, we have state locking in place to prevent concurrent updates. I guess there is still something else at play here.
Gotcha. Still good idea to go via orgs+separate accounts route :)
hm wonder whats happening
ill send over the
pulumi about