Howdy y'all! Where can I find a list of resource ...
# aws
Howdy y'all! Where can I find a list of resource types that i can
pulumi import
? I'm getting sick of the trial-and-error like
pulumi import aws:ec2:SecurityGroup
etc etc.
Look in the source file for each resource, it's at the bottom. Your IDE should be able to go to the definition of a resource. If you're using .ts, you'll need to switch from the .d.ts file to the .js file; they're beside each other in the package listing.
Thanks for the response. I also realized that at the bottom of each reference page it says how to import it. e.g.
fyi for aws-native that information isn't on the docs. there's an issue open from 2021 about it... but hopefully at some point that gets fixed since that's theoretically where pulumi is moving forward to. Mentioning it just in case you end up using -native for something - that issue has a method for how to reverse-engineer the names