Got some yaml files being applied to a k8s cluster...
# general
Got some yaml files being applied to a k8s cluster created by Pulumi. When running
pulumi down
I would like for Pulumi to just ignore resources inside the cluster as the entire cluster is going to be terminated regardless of internal state. I tried adding
but it appears to not do what I hoped it would. What is the best approach here? Code in comment.
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_, err = yaml.NewConfigGroup(ctx, "flux-data-sync", &yaml.ConfigGroupArgs{
		YAML:      []string{result.Content},
		SkipAwait: false,
	}, pulumi.Provider(provider), pulumi.RetainOnDelete(true))
Perhaps it does work like I believe it would, but the summary list of resources to destroy is misleading?
only works for directly applied resources unfortunately, if you want this to happen I recommend using
and directly creating the resources
is a COmponentResource so it operates a little differently
Right, thanks, I will check it out ๐Ÿ™‚
Not an optimal solution for a tool that generates a bunch of resource definitions (Flux). Bummer.
@billowy-army-68599 is there a technical limitation why its not possible to just ignore these resources on
pulumi down
because those files exist in the state, and Pulumi wants to manage them. you could achieve what you want with a transformation
right, thanks, iโ€™ll read the docs on transformation - hope itโ€™s okay if i reply here if i am to dumb to figure it out ๐Ÿ˜„
im either too dumb, this simply rewrites the yaml file itself during creation?
wht does?
Nevermind, the kubernetes yaml ConfigGroups had its own Transformation. I got confused and assumed you meant that๐Ÿ™‚
I want are still not going to work with a component resource, thats too bad.
no, but the component resource creates child resources. You can use a transformation to manipulate those opts in tose
i may have time later to create an example
that would be awesome, there is a lot of things to take in coming from Terraform and i just get lost some times
I wonder if something like this is going to solve it for me, though I am worried what happens when i upgrade the flux provider and it creates new versions of the manifests.
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return func(args *pulumi.ResourceTransformationArgs) *pulumi.ResourceTransformationResult {
		if args.Type == "kubernetes:core/v1:Namespace" ||
			args.Type == "kubernetes:<|>" ||
			args.Type == "kubernetes:core/v1:ServiceAccount" ||
			args.Type == "kubernetes:<|>" ||
			args.Type == "kubernetes:<|>" ||
			args.Type == "kubernetes:core/v1:Service" ||
			args.Type == "kubernetes:apps/v1:Deployment" ||
			args.Type == "kubernetes:<|>" ||
			args.Type == "kubernetes:<|>" ||
			args.Type == "kubernetes:<|>" {
			return &pulumi.ResourceTransformationResult{
				Props: args.Props,
				Opts:  append(args.Opts, pulumi.RetainOnDelete(true), pulumi.DeleteBeforeReplace(false)),
		return nil
opts append is correct, but you should be able to retrieve every resource withput using
it also took in the parent of those types, which did not support RetainOnDelete or DeleteBeforeReplace, i guess a
expression for the two parents could suffice as well, but were unable to solve it any other way