Hey awesome Pulumi people! :wave: I'd really l...
# typescript
Hey awesome Pulumi people! 👋 I'd really like to set a specific provider (so I can specify a region) for a aws.lambda.CallBackFunction, but that doesn't seem to be allowed? Am I holding it wrong?
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requestsSns.onEvent(`foo-runner-${region}`, new aws.lambda.CallbackFunction(`foo-runner-func-${region}`, {
    callback: async (ev, ctx) => { ... },
    runtime: "nodejs14.x",
    provider: provider,
On first glance, you might think it would just pick the same provider as the SNS queue, but it's perfectly legit to have lambda functions in one regions triggered by an SNS queue in another region?
@wonderful-bird-78843 you provider is in the wrong place:
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new aws.lambda.CallbackFunction(`foo-runner-func`, {,
    runtime: "nodejs14.x",
}, { provider: provider });
Aha! I'm not sure what's going on with the comma after the
there? is it :
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CallBackFunction(string, object, object?)
Thank you!
Thanks again for amazing support 🙂