Do I somehow need to initialize pulumi before pulu...
# general
Do I somehow need to initialize pulumi before will work?
Not sure what you mean by
To execute a Pulumi program, you use
pulumi up
is the Pulumi CLI. So, confirming a few things: • you have the Pulumi CLI installed as per: • You have a pulumi program written in go - something along the lines of the go example here: • You have your Pulumi project/stack set up with the necessary Equinix credentials as per: • You’ve initialized the stack as per If so, what output do you get from
pulumi up
I was running my script directly, as is part of a larger function that's called by a http request, is that possible with pulumi up?
er, I run pulumi,run inside of another function, to be more specific
The entire point is to be able to spin up servers on-demand
There is the automation API package that essentially wraps the Pulumi CLI in an SDK: So you could use that to manage Pulumi stacks (and the resources within).
I also see that I never actually got
pulumi new
to run, as it kept asking me to run it in an empty directory
but I already wrote my code, do I need to re-make my entire project structure?
and how can I tell it to not use a template
Don’t do a
pulumi new
at this point. You would do a
pulumi stack init
as per the link provided above.
I know this is in Python, but it may help to get a sense of the overall flow:
Oh, I ran pulumi stack init and it errored but I guess it did actually work?
Copy code
└─$ pulumi stack init masterapi                                                                                                                                                          255 ⨯
Created stack 'masterapi'
error: no Pulumi project found in the current working directory. Move to a directory with a Pulumi project or try creating a project first with `pulumi new`.
└─$ pulumi stack init                                                                                                                                                                    255 ⨯
stack name: (dev) masterapi
error: stack 'masterapi' already exists
and it still didn't make the pulumi.yaml that it wants
So, although you have some code, you do need to add some files so Pulumi knows how to run it. I would recommend going through one of the getting started sequences here: to understand the overall flow and main concepts.
I didn't originally plan to make this project with Pulumi, but no one seems to have any way to take my project that I already wrote and tell pulumi to make the files it needs around it
Well, if it’s written using Pulumi SDKs ( and is in a directory with a
(project file) and (possibly) a
(stack file for stack named XXX) then
pulumi up
should work.
There are some go examples here (not Equinix specifically) but should provide some context.
No pulumi commands want to create a yaml file, they all want either an empty folder or to use a template I don't want. Can I make a yaml manually?
I've read through many of the examples and they either want me to use pulumis cloud thing or gloss over the details
Yes. Look at some of the “go” examples in that link I just provided and emulate what you see there.
Sorry, my internet dropped out there for a few minutes.
No problem, I'll try feeding it a pulumi.yaml and see if it cooperates
The Pulumi SaaS is free for individuals. Or you can use a self-managed backend to store state as per:
You do need to
pulumi login
to something though whether it’s the SaaS or an S3 bucket of file since Pulumi needs that for state management.
Right now I have it configured to be logged in to a local backend, as I don't really want any cloud nonsense from some randos service. If I can run my own servers I can run my own authentication
Understood. I just wanted to make sure you knew you did have to
pulumi login
to something.
Yes, I definitely am not a fan of the number of steps required to provide an auth token
Ok now it's giving actual errors (I forgot to give it a BillingCycle) so I'll see how this works out, thanks for that
Good luck!