Hi Team, I am creating Azure resources using Pulum...
# dotnet
Hi Team, I am creating Azure resources using Pulumi and .Net code. It was working fine earlier but now throwing following error ...runtime: VirtualAlloc of 8192 bytes failed with errno=1455 2022-06-29T062303.6799320Z fatal error: out of memory 2022-06-29T062303.6799446Z 2022-06-29T062303.6799668Z runtime stack: 2022-06-29T062303.6815219Z runtime.throw({0x265343d, 0xc18c848000}) 2022-06-29T062303.6815922Z /opt/hostedtoolcache/go/1.17.11/x64/src/runtime/panic.go:1198 +0x76 2022-06-29T062303.6816312Z runtime.sysUsed(0xc18c848000, 0x2000) ..................