Even if I somehow have to delete and recreate the ...
# general
Even if I somehow have to delete and recreate the stack? looking for anything that will work at this point.
Shouldn't need that. In the short term, you could wrap your Parameter construct in logic like this: • if you know if doesn't yet exist, then construct it; else • if you know it does exist, then don't construct it (so Pulumi deletes it); and • if you want to update it, run
twice. If in the short term you can move your Parameter code to a new tiny project that just does this, you'll have the least churn.
I am running Up inside of a CI/CD github action
So in your third choice up there do you mean just running the pipeline (pulumi up) twice without changing the logic I have?
I could do the tiny project too, our code might be a little entangled to make that super straightforward
What I ended up doing was just commenting out my entire stack and running pulumi up (delete everything) and then just running the build pipeline on github to recreate everything, and that seems to have worked
Little hacky but will work for now, although I'll have to employ one of those workarounds since we are aiming to deploy this stack this week
My suggestion wasn't 3 separate ideas, it's the logic that you're currently implementing manually - comment out the code and run
🙂 I just suggested doing it via an
Thanks, that makes sense. It's a database connection string, so it's not like it will change frequently. I appreciate the quick follow up! Any idea what the timeline for a fix would be? I'll keep an eye on the github issue.
Currently scheduled for the 0.75 milestone, 24 July: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/milestone/78