Hi all, I have some basic questions regarding ingr...
# kubernetes
Hi all, I have some basic questions regarding ingress controllers and kubernetes. Thought I would ask here as I am implementing with Pulumi. When configuring a service (that will have an ingress routing to it), is it better to set it up as ClusterIP, NodePort, or LoadBalancer. If LoadBalancer, my cloud provider will launch a load balancer. It seems like I do not want this option as I will be paying for another load balancer (in addition to the one launched with the ingress controller). NodePort exposes the service on each node that hosts the pod right? And cluster ip uses an internal kube ip for internal workloads? I think maybe clusterip is the right choice? Thanks for the input!
ClusterIP is internal only NodePort exposes a port on every host in the cluster LoadBalancer exposes a NodePort and attaches a cloud provider load balancer to that Node on every host
if you're using an ingress controller, ClusterIP is fine
yah, so I think I want clusterip.
as it will be exposed through ingress.
Thanks for the feedback!
yep that sounds right