<@U02PYNXS6P9> I see you created a new alpha relea...
# pulumiverse
@handsome-candle-10543 I see you created a new alpha release of the sentry provider mentioning this:
use new plugin download url format
https://github.com/pulumiverse/pulumi-sentry/releases/tag/v0.0.3-alpha.12%2B45b33055 However, I don’t see a commit where the download URL is changed in the schema. This line needs to be changed: https://github.com/pulumiverse/pulumi-sentry/blob/main/provider/resources.go#L77
there should be a commit
Ah, but not on
branch. Best not to release from a branch.
Also, don’t forget to document that this provider then requires Pulumi 3.53.3 for this download url to work.
👍 1
Previously we made alpha releases from the PR branch. Since testing the download url requires a release it is going to be very slow going if we need to make a PR for each commit
With this github support in place in 3.53.3, no user should get the error anymore that you mention in the
section of your readme.
There is a bug where the plugin download url detection does not work if you use a yarn workspace so that the plugin module is located in a node_modules folder in a parent rather than in the working directory. I was going to see if this new plugin downloader has fixed that but i have not had the chance yet
I am unable to reproduce the issue so perhaps it is fixed by having the plugindownloadurl in the provider actually work. 🤷
🎊 1
I got a collaboration for the project now, do you still want me to tag you as well @limited-rainbow-51650? 🙂
No, I suggest you create a
file in the repo and configure it as you see fit. If possible, add me for review if github actions are changed. I would like to work towards a consistent automated test & release process for all providers. https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/managing-your-repositorys-settings-and-features/customizing-your-repository/about-code-owners
Any chance we could get something like squash PR merges for the repo?
@handsome-candle-10543 constant debate between people on this. There is only a branch protection on
, so when the work in a branch/PR is done, you can rewrite your history on the branch before merge by running
git rebase -i HEAD~3
. Change the
to the nr of commits you want to go back in the history of your branch. After rewriting, do a force push. I hope this is a good middle-ground for you.
It’s fine, 🙂