I am suddenly started getting this issue. Earlier ...
# azure
I am suddenly started getting this issue. Earlier it was working 2022-07-19T080031.6135610Z Diagnostics: 2022-07-19T080031.6136187Z azurekeyvaultKeyVault (vault): 2022-07-19T080031.6138404Z error: Error reading resource group: resources.GroupsClient#Get: Failure responding to request: StatusCode=403 -- Original Error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=403 Code="AuthorizationFailed" Message="The client '63f4427e-993c-4160-9dd6-e5731454b566' with object id '63f4427e-993c-4160-9dd6-e5731454b566' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups/read' over scope '/subscriptions/c4ef5634-9b63-482c-9c5a-8a19aa8b47a6/resourcegroups/RG-CL-US-AppleServices-Dev' or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials." Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups/read permissions already there. It works for same resource group from other stack
have your credentials expired?
Hi Jax, Thanks for reply. Which Credentials?
the ones you’re using tyo authenticate to azure
No, I am using same credentials from other stack with same configurations and Resource group and it works
same subscription? the error being returned is coming from the Azure API, so there must be some credential issue somewhere
Yes Jax, same Subscription, same resource group