Hi there, do we have a python example of AWS EKS +...
# general
Hi there, do we have a python example of AWS EKS + ArgoCD with Kustomize?
@ambitious-agent-35343 there’s no kustomize here, but it has eks and argocd https://github.com/jaxxstorm/pulumi-examples/blob/main/python/aws/eks_helm_argo/__main__.py
It has some issues with CR2D https://github.com/pulumi/crd2pulumi/issues/83 And cluster provider.
just saw the reply, will try rerun it
you should be able to use it as a base though, I don’t think we’ll be able to write the whole thing for you
It's important to have working examples.
my personal examples repo is designed as a reference point, I’m not going to make any promises about them currently working. we have github.com/pulumi/examples which we integration test on a nightly basis
This is not about you.
Besides. The examples from that repo, which may not suffer from same depreciation, are not very comprehensive or representative of a production environment from a Kubernetes point of view.
This is not about you.
the repo github.com/jaxxstorm/pulumi-examples is my personal examples repo
No need to repeat ourselves. This is about finding a working example that can serve as a base and not your repo?
just to make sure I’m understanding, you want an example of an end to end production ready infrastructure using various highly complicated technologies that meets your specific set of requirements?
You deem EKS with ArgoCD highly specific?
Did I say that was highly specific?
This conversation no longer seems productive. I'm sorry my example didn't help.
Don't be sorry about the examples not all working perfectly, you've done alot to contribute examples for the Pulumi community.