Hey, I am having a problem that might be related t...
# typescript
Hey, I am having a problem that might be related to the autonaming logic in https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-google-native/pull/551. Since v0.21.0 of
I am getting the following change on a non-modified `artifactregistry/v1:Repository`:
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~ name: "projects/***/locations/us/repositories/my-repo-822c5d8" => "projects/***/locations/us/repositories/my-repo-5637933"
(only the ID changes). When I apply it I get the following error:
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google-native:artifactregistry/v1:Repository (***):
    error: error sending request: googleapi: Error 400: Repository mode cannot be changed: "<https://artifactregistry.googleapis.com/v1/projects/***/locations/us/repositories/my-repo>" map[format:DOCKER name:projects/***/locations/us/repositories/my-repo-ee37a82]
Now this does not make sense to me because according to the GCP docs this name should just be
and not have any random ID suffix (also I am pretty sure its immutable). Seems like a bug to me but I just wanted to check in if I missed something?
https://www.pulumi.com/docs/intro/concepts/resources/names/#autonaming < you can normally use a name: to override the autonaming feature. I am not using pulumi and GCP so can't comment on the specifics but it seems like this is what you need.
In this case the
is the source for the "name" of this resource. Also, explicitly setting the name produces the same error 😕
To continue working, I just ignored it for now:
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{ ignoreChanges: ["name"] }