Hello, So excited for Java release. I am trying to...
# java
Hello, So excited for Java release. I am trying to use Input Bucket Resource properties (currently publicAccessBlockConfiguration, later on loggingConfiguration etc)… but am not able to move ahead. Are Input available in Java? Any code snipplets around these would be super helpful. Thanks!
Not sure I understand the question. Yes, they are… Could you show a code snippet that is problematic for you?
There’s no Input<T> type if that’s your question
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var bucket = new Bucket("my-bucket",
                        .publicAccessBlockConfiguration(bucketPublicAccessBlockConfiguration) <--- Not compiling
☝️ not sure how to go from here…
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var bucketPublicAccessBlockConfiguration = new BucketPublicAccessBlockConfiguration(true,true,true,true);
☝️ BucketPublicAccessBlockConfiguration has private access…
how can I assign bucket resource properties to a bucket, is what I am a little lost…
Okay, so your docs point to AWS Native - which is confusingly not supported yet despite the docs suggesting otherwise. Are you actually using the AWS (classic) provider?
Thanks @tall-librarian-49374. So this was my yesterday and didn’t go anywhere and I thought I should be using aws-native 😞
How should I be able to block public ACLs on buckets? Which API will help me do this and later assign it to Bucket object?
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var bucket = new Bucket("my-bucket", BucketArgs.builder()
                .policy("{\n" +
                        "      \"PublicAccessBlockConfiguration\":{\n" +
                        "         \"BlockPublicAcls\":true,\n" +
                        "         \"IgnorePublicAcls\":false,\n" +
                        "         \"BlockPublicPolicy\":true,\n" +
                        "         \"RestrictPublicBuckets\":true\n" +
                        "      }\n" +
I get below error
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* creating urn:pulumi:dev::s3_provisioning::aws:s3/bucket:Bucket::my-bucket: 1 error occurred:
    	* Error putting S3 policy: MalformedPolicy: Unknown field PublicAccessBlockConfiguration
Am I on the right track of assigning Block policy through JSON?
Sorry I don’t know this part of AWS… Are you looking for this resource https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/aws/api-docs/s3/bucketpublicaccessblock/?
So go ahead and use it
Basically be able to do this thru pulumi
You should be able to do that with the resource that I linked
Trying to use it in
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var bucket = new Bucket("my-bucket", BucketArgs.builder()
                .policy("{\n" +
                        "      \"PublicAccessBlockConfiguration\":{\n" +
                        "         \"BlockPublicAcls\":true,\n" +
                        "         \"BlockPublicPolicy\":true,\n" +
                        "         \"RestrictPublicBuckets\":true\n" +
                        "      }\n" +
you need to add
new BucketPublicAccessBlock
as a separate resource
ok … Thanks 🙂
So, this is what is deployed successfully
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var exampleBucketV2 = new BucketV2("exampleBucketV2");

        var exampleBucketPublicAccessBlock = new BucketPublicAccessBlock("exampleBucketPublicAccessBlock", BucketPublicAccessBlockArgs.builder()
However, I still don’t see Block public access enabled.. on aws console…
How can I make sure, I am dealing with the right property (Pulumi API?)
Tried https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/aws/api-docs/s3/bucketpublicaccessblock/ with Java and Python. Couldn’t get it working… I will appreciate if someone else tries, to make sure I am not going blind 🤣 . Thanks!