Is pulumi so stupid, that if there is an error in ...
# general
Is pulumi so stupid, that if there is an error in the code, it goes ahead and just deletes stuff, without saying do you actually want to do this first? Shouldnt it actually ask you, this is preview, I am going to do a bunch of things, continue on your own risk?
Do you mind sharing a bit more details so that others can address it and would be helpful for others to not repeat that?
Yes, I am going to, first I need to cool down my head, and see what actually happened first.
Ohh, sorry for what happened. Similar stuff happened with us and we kinda scratched our head to figure out and it was quite frustrating!
By default
pulumi up
will run a preview first, show you the diff and then run the program again in a mode to actually do the work.
without you having to accept?
It displays a prompt asking if you want to continue, [yes,no,details]
yes, thats what I also expect it to do. I hope I was wrong. The thing is that the resource group had 7 new resources, and I thought it was Pulumi who had caused that. But I think it was behaving nicely after all, but it really threw me off, because those resources where not there yesterday: Have there been any bug whent the yes, no, details haven’t kicked in?
No bug that I know of
Wouldn’t it be smart to not say status Created, if it hasn’t been created, and deleted if it hasn’t been deleted. I mean it could say, will be created, and will be deleted in a gray text or something like that. Because the only thing that made me notice it wasnt deleted, was that it had an preview failed underneeth, because of the protected lock on the resource.
Yes that would probably make sense, it at the very least shouldn't say "deleted" if it actually error'd and didn't delete.