Are there any supported way to abort a running sta...
# general
Are there any supported way to abort a running stack immediately from the stack itself? Previously, I have just used exit (in Python), but after we switched to inline stacks, this does not work - the process just hangs until terminated.
See here, there’s an error log which is fatal
It just adds an error. It does not stop the current update.
yep, that’s my misunderstanding, looks like the docs aren’t accurate. I’m following up internally. Re: your issue, do you have a repro?
Hmm.. I could make one. But any inline stack that calls exit(1) seems to be in problems. I also tried with pulumi.errors.RunError() but it doesn't about the execution like exit, but first applies the new world view, which is exactly the opposite of what I want 🙂
some smart Python people just told me to tell you to try
Copy code
raise Exception("I want my program to end")
Will do...
Thanks. I got it to work. I had to do a little more to look nice - otherwise I would get log exception traces in the log, which I didn't want. So: • I used a try-catch around the inline command to convert SystemExit to a new exception with a specific text
• and I caught CommandError from stack.up and stack.preview to filter for the specific text