question about using Helm - what version of Helm i...
# automation-api
question about using Helm - what version of Helm is used by the cli in the Action? Is this configurable? if not, how can we ensure we know what version is used so that I can keep my local environment in sync with that version of Helm based on which version of Pulumi I’m using?
Hi Jeff, Do you mean the
If yes, the version of the
library is written in the
of the provider.
thanks @many-telephone-49025 - that is what I’m looking for. Would it be possible to document these versions for each published release? Since the releases are versioned and they are pinned to specific binary versions, it would be very helpful to include those in release notes rather than require me to inspect the source code to figure it out. I’m currently managing local versions of binaries using
and a local
file within my repos