Hello, Is there a client token I can pass to the e...
# aws
Hello, Is there a client token I can pass to the ec2 instance creation ? I’ve seen that the aws endpoint has this for idempotency purposes but the aws ts sdk doesn’t, any ideas?
The pulumi aws provider is bridged from the terraform provider so unless it’s in there, it won’t be in the pulumi one afaik If it’s in the cloud control api, then you might find it in the aws-native package
Hi Eduard, for the
provider, the creation of a unique client-token is done by Terraform (https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk/blob/main/helper/resource/id.go) as it is the "user" calling the API. For the
, I am currently unsure how the cient-token gets handled to ensure the Idempotency of the supported API calls.
Is that aws-native?
No that's what we call the classic aka bridge from TF
So normally in this, the terraform sdk should be taking care to set the client token on the calls.
Hmm, do I have an option to provide it by myself?
I am not 100 sure, but I did not see an option. The code above should be takin care, that you have a unique token every time
Ok, thank you