Hi Everyone. I have a newbie question that I've be...
# general
Hi Everyone. I have a newbie question that I've been stuck on for longer than I care to admin. Working in a dotnet project, I want to create a bucket and then immediately inject the name of this newly created bucket into an ECS Task Definition. Can someone assist with this? I figured the following would work but it doesn't. I also tried
bucket.BucketName.Apply(v => v)
but neither work. Am I going about this horribly wrong? Thanks in advance.
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using Pulumi;
using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;

return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
    var bucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket($"bucket", new()
        Versioning = new BucketVersioningArgs { Enabled = true },

    var test = new Aws.Ecs.TaskDefinition("test", new()
        ContainerDefinitions = $@"[{{
            ""environment"": [{{
                ""name"": ""BUCKETNAME"", 
                ""value"": ""{{bucket.BucketName}}""
you need to use
bucket.BucketName.Apply(name => JSON STRING HERE)
That doesn't seem to work as expected.. I'm getting something along the lines of this as my value ...
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"value":"Calling [ToString] on an [Output<T>] is not supported.\n\nTo get the value of an Output<T> as an Output<string> consider:\n1. o.Apply(v => $\"prefix{v}suffix\")\n2. Output.Format($\"prefix{hostname}suffix\");\n\nSee <https://pulumi.io/help/outputs> for more details.\nThis function may throw in a future version of Pulumi."}]
please share what you have
I got it figured out actually.. what I did was something like ...
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string bucketName;
ah you should not do it like that.
is an
which is sort of like a task or promise - it represents a value that does not necessarily exist yet. you cannot use an
of a value that does not exist (but may exist in the future) to create a
value that you want "now" so you setting
ContainerDefinitions = someString
will not work as you are seeing luckily, pulumi lets you easily chain and combine Outputs to create other Outputs.
is an
which allows you to pass in a
(for convenience), or
or an
essentially in your first example you are trying to do something like this: (putting it in 2 separate statements to show what types you are working with)
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string containerDefs = $@"[ ... ]";
ContainerDefinitions = containerDefs
there is no (good) way to take an Output<string> like bucket.BucketName and get it to appear somewhere in that
string containerDefs
what you want to do instead is something like
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Output<string> containerDefs = ... something
ContainerDefinitions = containerDefs
and to do that, you have a few options.
is one way like @billowy-army-68599 mentioned:
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Output<string> containerDefs = bucket.BucketName.Apply(x =>
   // here, x is a string you can use normally
   return $"some string with {x} inside";
ContainerDefinitions = containerDefs
you can also use the convenience helper method Output.Format
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Output<string> containerDefs = Output.Format($"some string using {bucket.BucketName} inside");
ContainerDefinitions = containerDefs
Output.Format takes in a formattable string and does the Apply for you behind the scenes