Hi, long time user of pulumi, really love the prod...
# general
Hi, long time user of pulumi, really love the product, and its inspiring me to look into how to build these polyglot framework. I was wondering if Pulumi uses any open source for code/sdk generation?
I’m not sure what you mean by “uses open source”. Can you clarify? Our code generation is all open sourced at https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi, particularly in /pkg/codegen. We don’t use any particular OSS libraries to aid in multilanguage codegen, it’s mostly hand-rolled AFAIK. Does that answer your question?
sorry for the delay in my reply, yes I found the code generation bit on github and was able to reuse it to explore how it all woks, quite interesting. When I mentioned open source I was wondering if Pulumi used something like
Gotcha gotcha. No, Pulumi doesn’t use a core technology like jsii. this warning at the top of the jsii reference is likely relevant. Pulumi packages are native to their corresponding language runtime - we don’t marshal into an IR at runtime then interpret the runtime. It looks like jsii marshals into JSON then boots a JS interpreter? With Pulumi, before the provider package is published, the IR (in our case PCL) is fed into our codegen executable, which generates the native code for the target language.
thank you, super interesting. Ill keep playing with it to better understand the intricacies
Great! Glad to hear! :D