another q :slightly_smiling_face: when using provi...
# aws
another q 🙂 when using providers like PostgreSQL, how can one retrigger or force Pulumi to provision/run those resources? Im having an issue where the RDS instance changed, erasing roles provisioned via pulumi.postgres but Pulumi is not detecting that it changed to run again and create the roles in the new instance
Is the RDS instance provisioned in that pulumi stack?
Did you change it using pulumi or manually?
we made changes to the instance via Pulumi
I’ve never used the Postgres provider, but I’d imagine some of the fields changing trigger an update, but what you can do is add some custom logic to reapply the change if the dependency is updated?
Ill try changing the resource name to test it out, but Im afraid that'll require manual intervention on every deploy
Hmm, not really, you could write some logic that checks if any of the keys you care about change in the rds instance then apply the Postgres code if it needs to be done