Hey folks! I'm looking at trying to create an <App...
# azure
Hey folks! I'm looking at trying to create an Application Gateway for a VM Scale Set, and I'm noticing that the creation process seems to be pretty... janky? It seems like you need to do a bunch of ID self-referencing through
. For example, you define
for the Gateway inside the resource declaration, but when you later set up the
, you need to refer back to the
you created and you can only refer to them by Resource ID. See the snippet for an example of what I mean. Yet, we can't manually construct these Resource IDs, as we don't know the name of the Application Gateway in advance due to Pulumi's unique ID appending to the end of resource names. I also can't create them in advance, as there's no standalone
resource that I can create separately, then pass in later. My question: is there any intelligent, programmatic way to do these self-references before the Gateway has been created (something magic like
)? Or do I just need to bite the bullet, manually name Gateway and bypass the unique name generation, and manually write these Resource IDs out? Thank you!
Hey! Yes, unfortunately it is indeed janky at this point. This is recorded as issue https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-azure-native/issues/631 (please upvote). However, the issue does at least have a workaround using
. Could you use this approach as well?
Thanks, Thomas! Glad to know it's not just me. I upvoted that issue as well 🙂 I ended up just making a large C# anonymous object with a map of sub resources, which each contained their name and a string concatenation of what I'm pretty sure their resource IDs will end up being. It's inelegant, but it should at least work until some sort of self-referencing ability is put in!