Hello, I'm using pulumi 3.53 with typescript. When...
# typescript
Hello, I'm using pulumi 3.53 with typescript. When I run
pulumi up
it complaints about not being able to install the language plugin with the following error:
Copy code
error: failed to load language plugin nodejs: Could not automatically download and install language plugin 'pulumi-language-nodejs', install the plugin using `pulumi plugin install language nodejs`.
Underlying error: 404 HTTP error fetching plugin from <https://api.github.com/repos/pulumi/pulumi-nodejs/releases/latest>. If this is a private GitHub repository, try providing a token via the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable. See: <https://github.com/settings/tokens>
How did you install pulumi?
I packaged it in nix, compiling 3.53 from github
Ah you'll need to also compile in the language plugins as well then, the cli is not distributed by itself. If you look at the .tar.gz files from one of our releases (e.g. https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/releases/tag/v3.53.0) you'll see a load of other executables are packaged side-by-side with "pulumi".
I see, thank you!
There's also a
Nix package that packages the Python, Go, Dotnet, and JS runtimes. The package that doesn't do this lets you pick and choose the runtimes you install. Both packages are community maintained.