How can I debug `pulumi_command.local.Command` ? F...
# python
How can I debug
? For some reason, after altering the command and adding an
argument, creating (and updating) this Resource fails all the time. When I run the command outside of Pulumi it works fine and has a zero exit status. I want to find out which exit status is returned then, and if it's a Pulumi-internal error (I suspect so), I want to know which one.
Depends what's wrong with it? A combination of checking debug logs and checking the command themselves work when run manually would normally cover it.
Where to look in the debug logs? Nowhere I can spot a failure condition around the command.
They write to the filesystem by default but probably easier to add
--logtostderr -v10 --logflow
to your pulumi command to see them all
I don’t see anything there that’s helpful here
Hard to suggest anything more unless you can give more details as to what's wrong.
d Should be easier in the next release?
@dry-keyboard-94795 Yes and no. I already manually inspected stdout and stderr. Nothing unusual there. The asset files are also created normally, by the way. @echoing-dinner-19531 The command line is sensitive unfortunately. I will retry without sensitive params.
The logs remain quite sensitive and opaque ... What line/context should I look for @echoing-dinner-19531? What I found and redacted:
Copy code
I0126 12:47:51.111610   15141 registry.go:174] GetProvider(urn:pulumi:k8s-dev::infra::pulumi:providers:command::local::cb70ac4e-d7e6-4adb-8116-0f56aebbb49d)
I0126 12:47:51.111633   15141 provider_plugin.go:636] Provider[command, 0xc000b4d320].Check(urn:pulumi:k8s-dev::infra::command:local:Command::talosctl_gen_config) executing (#olds=2,#news=2
I0126 12:47:51.111645   15141 rpc.go:74] Marshaling property for RPC[Provider[command, 0xc000b4d320].Check(urn:pulumi:k8s-dev::infra::command:local:Command::talosctl_gen_config).olds]: assetPaths={[{controlplane.yaml} {talosconfig} {worker.yaml}]}
I0126 12:47:51.111661   15141 rpc.go:74] Marshaling property for RPC[Provider[command, 0xc000b4d320].Check(urn:pulumi:k8s-dev::infra::command:local:Command::talosctl_gen_config).olds]: create={talosctl gen config k8s-dev-1 <https://localhost:6443> --config-patch @openebs_patch.yml --registry-mirror <|>=<> --with-examples=false --with-docs=false --with-kubespan=true --with-secrets=secrets.yaml }
I0126 12:47:51.111671   15141 rpc.go:74] Marshaling property for RPC[Provider[command, 0xc000b4d320].Check(urn:pulumi:k8s-dev::infra::command:local:Command::talosctl_gen_config).news]: assetPaths={[{controlplane.yaml} {talosconfig} {worker.yaml}]}
I0126 12:47:51.111681   15141 rpc.go:74] Marshaling property for RPC[Provider[command, 0xc000b4d320].Check(urn:pulumi:k8s-dev::infra::command:local:Command::talosctl_gen_config).news]: create={talosctl gen config k8s-dev-1 <https://localhost:6443> --config-patch @openebs_patch.yml --registry-mirror <|>=<> --with-examples=false --with-docs=false --with-kubespan=true --with-secrets=secrets.yaml }
I0126 12:47:51.112117   15141 eventsink.go:78] eventSink::Infoerr(<{%reset%}>I0126 12:47:51.112071   15157 rpc.go:274] Unmarshaling property for RPC[]: assetPaths={[{controlplane.yaml} {talosconfig} {worker.yaml}]}
I0126 12:47:51.112147   15141 eventsink.go:78] eventSink::Infoerr(<{%reset%}>I0126 12:47:51.112096   15157 rpc.go:274] Unmarshaling property for RPC[]: create={talosctl gen config k8s-dev-1 <https://localhost:6443> --config-patch @openebs_patch.yml --registry-mirror <|>=<> --with-examples=false --with-docs=false --with-kubespan=true --with-secrets=secrets.yaml }
I0126 12:47:51.112167   15141 eventsink.go:78] eventSink::Infoerr(<{%reset%}>I0126 12:47:51.112104   15157 rpc.go:274] Unmarshaling property for RPC[]: assetPaths={[{controlplane.yaml} {talosconfig} {worker.yaml}]}
I0126 12:47:51.112176   15141 eventsink.go:78] eventSink::Infoerr(<{%reset%}>I0126 12:47:51.112111   15157 rpc.go:274] Unmarshaling property for RPC[]: create={talosctl gen config k8s-dev-1 <https://localhost:6443> --config-patch @openebs_patch.yml --registry-mirror <|>=<> --with-examples=false --with-docs=false --with-kubespan=true --with-secrets=secrets.yaml }
I0126 12:47:51.112242   15141 eventsink.go:78] eventSink::Infoerr(<{%reset%}>I0126 12:47:51.112219   15157 rpc.go:74] Marshaling property for RPC[]: assetPaths={[{controlplane.yaml} {talosconfig} {worker.yaml}]}
I0126 12:47:51.112277   15141 eventsink.go:78] eventSink::Infoerr(<{%reset%}>I0126 12:47:51.112232   15157 rpc.go:74] Marshaling property for RPC[]: create={talosctl gen config k8s-dev-1 <https://localhost:6443> --config-patch @openebs_patch.yml --registry-mirror <|>=<> --with-examples=false --with-docs=false --with-kubespan=true --with-secrets=secrets.yaml }
What line/context should I look for
I don't know because I still don't know what's wrong? Please explain what your expecting to happen, and what's actually happening. As far as I can tell from those log lines everything looks fine, it will run "talosctl gen config k8s-dev-1 https://localhost:6443 --config-patch @openebs_patch.yml --registry-mirror --with-examples=false --with-docs=false --with-kubespan=true --with-secrets=secrets.yaml" on create and read the controlplane.yaml, talosconfig, and worker.yaml files as assests.
Pulumi reports in red in the diff failure to create and to update the Command Resource (see opening post).
Are the files listed in the asset_paths list definitely being created? Might be the create is failing because it can't read an expected asset.
The files exist and are being created. I also looked into that potential failure mode. I destroyed the stack, deleted all three asset files and ran
pulumi up
. Still, the same error message. That’s why I’m looking to debug this properly.
I would suggest raising this at If this works without asset_paths set and fails when it is set it sounds like it's probably a bug in the command provider itself.
I added extra commands, "true" and "false" (Unix utilities) with the asset paths. The former succeeds and the latter fails, so in that case there's not a strong connection with the asset paths. The other thing that changed in my source code is that the command line is quite a bit longer now. JSON patches to those asset files are supplied on the command line now. Maybe there's some assumption in the code path that command lines are of a certain max length, smaller than the actual max length,
Maybe there's some assumption in the code path that command lines are of a certain max length, smaller than the actual max length,
There's limits set by grpc and protobuf but they are megabytes in size, and I doubt your command line is that big.
No, it's not that big. Though it might be fruitful to validate command line length down to the lowest bound