Is there any guarantee to how my pulumi objects ge...
# python
Is there any guarantee to how my pulumi objects get mapped to values of a dictionary during creation? This seems to be consistent during development but when purging python cache i notice already created resource objects are re-ordered in the dictionary randomly sometimes causing resource changes. Using Python > 3.9
dictionary order is not guaranteed to be consistent
but this is only a problem if your changing from dictionaries (unordered) to lists (ordered) in your program
Dictionary ordering in python is now guaranteed, though it's not a great idea to rely on the order of those keys (even though it's been a language feature since 3.7). I'd love to see what your program looks like to determine where this reordering is occurring.
This is something I didn’t noticed until i ran the stack on another system… venv and pycache were purged / rebuilt. Since then i’ve been able to reproduce it after purging these dirs… which makes me think the order is being maintained in the cache somehow… I’m building a dictionary in a loop with values which are Pulumi resources…
Aha, that makes sense - I would not expect the resources themselves to come back in a deterministic order.
What is the right way to do this?
I'd have to see an example of the code which is causing problems to know for sure, but I wouldn't depend on the order of asynchronous cloud operations when constructing objects / dictionaries.
How would we build a dictionary with x resources assigned as values? And when re-running, get the same resources re-assigned to the same place in the dictionary?
basically i need to create x resources and store those objects someplace to operate on them later…
Are you operating on them within the same stack, or in a different one?
same stack
It depends on the operations and the resources, but could you not just operate on the resources themselves rather than storing them in a dictionary? Can you share a code snippet to demonstrate what you're trying to accomplish?
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for subnet in environment['subnets']:
        az = environment['subnets'][subnet]['az']
        if environment['subnets'][subnet]['type'] == "public":

            public_subnets[az] = myclass.Subnet(
then later on, i’ll use the public_subnets[“az-code”] to deploy other resources
is created dynamically somewhere above in a loop?
Yes that is statically defined and is always the same
I'm curious what your
pulumi preview
output looks like in this case - could you post that as well?
It’s different every time… but nothing happens while cache is maintained. Later in the program i’m creating resolver endpoints and something like this occurs
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~   └─ aws:route53:ResolverEndpoint  thing_ResolverEndpoint  update     [diff: ~ipAddresses]
Ah, and the order of the ipAddresses is triggering this diff?
yes… it changes sometimes because i’m selecting 2x keys in the dict for each ip
I think I would need to see the actual code to reproduce, then. It's hard to say with the information here so far.
I wish i could send you the entire codebase haha
But yeah this makes complete sense… I’m re-building the dictionary every time and the Pulumi resource is going to return a potentially different resource on each subsequent execution… (unless we keep that dict cached, which is not a reliable thing)
If your building lists based on iterating dicts I'd suggest you sort the lists after building them and before using them
something very weird is going on… and it’s gonna take me a while to get to the bottom of it… but i’ll check back here when i have more info. Thanks for your help!
But for now…I’m just terribly confused with update diff’s which are actually not different
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~ aws:route53/resolverEndpoint:ResolverEndpoint: (update)
      ~ ipAddresses: [
          ~ [0]: {
                  ~ subnetId: "subnet-1725d" => "subnet-1725d"
          ~ [1]: {
                  ~ subnetId: "subnet-98b2b" => "subnet-98b2b"
I’m quite sure now that this is a pulumi_aws bug which was introduced sometime between
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and now…
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~ ipAddresses: [
          ~ [0]: {
                  ~ subnetId: "subnet-1725d" => "subnet-1725d"
          ~ [1]: {
                  ~ subnetId: "subnet-98b2b" => "subnet-98b2b"
Probably worth raising this as an aws issue at Spurious diffs like that that are generally the provider doing odd things.
OK I’ll raise an issue and link it here
Looks like this has been known about for a while and still not fixed
Seems like another upstream terraform provider issue. pulumi-aws maintainers claim to have their hands tied. These seem to happen often. I guess this will drive us toward using pulumi native libraries (when they are mature enough)
aws-native and aws legacy should play nicely together, I've seen the providers team suggest a few times to switch over to aws-native for just one or two resources that users are having issues with in the terraform based provider
They do work together? I’d heard otherwise but i’ll give that a go.
aws-native does not support resolverEndpoints…
I will need to version lock to
to workaround this until something changes