[This question was asked yesterday in <#CRH5ENVDX|...
# general
[This question was asked yesterday in #aws with no replies] I’m creating 3 services in AWS Fargate using
, but for some reason when deploying an update to their container Pulumi decides to deploy the change to each service one after the other rather than in parallel, so a deployment takes 3x as long as it otherwise might. There’s no dependency between the services AFAICT. Is there any way to avoid it doing this, or to figure out why it’s deciding not to parallelise these updates? Thanks!
does this repro on another machine? if you have a repro, could you file an issue
this is usually because of CPU limitations
I’ll try to do a repro for it, but what do you mean by CPU limitations - whose CPU are you referring to?
whereever the Pulumi CLI is running from
Right, I wouldn’t actually have expected that to be factored in as Pulumi deploys aren’t that CPU intensive? I’m running it from an M1 MacBook Pro, if that matters.